Daily Workouts

Thu, 04/21/22
Workout of the day

DB Bench Press

5 x 10

DB Croc Row

4 x 15

DB Split Squat

3 x 20

Wed, 04/20/22
Workout of the day

1. In 5:00 complete:

25 GHD Sit-ups

50 Kettlebell swings (53/35)

Max Calorie Ski in remaining time

2. 4 Sets:

10/10 Single Leg Deadlifts

:15 L-Sit

Tue, 04/19/22
Workout of the day

For Time:

400m Run

15 Clean & jerks (155/105)

30 Pull-ups (C2B)

800m Run

30 Pull-ups (C2B)

15 Clean & jerks (155/105)

400m Run

Mon, 04/18/22
Workout of the day

15:00 AMRAP

15 Wall Balls (20/14)

20 Calorie Row

50 Double-unders

Sat, 04/16/22
Workout of the day

Partner Workout

20:00 AMRAP

30 Strict Pull-ups

30 Push-ups

30 KB Swings

50/40 Calorie Echo Bike

Fri, 04/15/22
Workout of the day


5 Rounds for time:

400m Run

15 Overhead Squats (95/65)

Thu, 04/14/22
Workout of the day

5 Sets:

3 Deadlifts (build)

5 Strict HSPU

5 Sets:

30 Banded Good Mornings

:15 L-Sit

Wed, 04/13/22
Workout of the day

20:00 AMRAP

250m Row

20 Box Step-ups

Tue, 04/12/22
Workout of the day

10 Rounds for time:

3 Power Snatches (155/105)

25 Double-unders

Mon, 04/11/22
Workout of the day

3 Rounds for time:

21 Pull-ups (C2B)

21 Front Squats (115/75)

21/16 Calorie Echo Bike

Sat, 04/09/22
Workout of the day

4 Rounds for time:

450m Run

10 D-ball Clean & Throw

Fri, 04/08/22
Workout of the day

1. Back Squat

5 x 3

2. 3 Sets:

1:00 Wall balls

1:00 Sit-ups

1:00 DB Push Press

1:00 Bike

1:00 Rest

Thu, 04/07/22
Workout of the day

15:00 AMRAP

15 DB Rows (right)

15 DB Rows (left)

25 ft. Handstand Walk

50 ft. Walking Lunge

Wed, 04/06/22
Workout of the day

1. 10:00 EMOM

:15 Double-unders

1 Low hang power clean (from below knee)

2. 21-15-9 reps for time:

Low hang power clean (115/75)

Toes to bar

Tue, 04/05/22
Workout of the day

20:00 AMRAP

1 Mile Run

Then, in remaining time, complete as many reps as possible of:

Pull-ups, Push-ups, Air Squats

Option A: 5-10-15

Option B: 4-8-12

Option C: 3-6-9

The goal for today's workout is to complete as many reps of pull-ups, push-ups, and squats as possible. Choose the rep scheme (A, B, or C) that you feel will give you the best opportunity to accomplish that goal.

Mon, 04/04/22
Workout of the day

For Time:

50/40 Calorie Row

50 Deadlifts (225/155)

50 Box Jump-overs

50/40 Calorie Row

Sat, 04/02/22
Workout of the day

Gym Closed for Aerobic Capacity Course

4 Rounds for time:

20 Push-ups

30 Walking Lunges

400m Run

Fri, 04/01/22
Workout of the day

For Time:

8 wall-ball shots

8/6 calorie bike

1 rope climb

16 wall-ball shots

16/12 calorie bike

2 rope climbs

24 wall-ball shots

24/18 calorie bike

3 rope climbs

32 wall-ball shots

32/24 calorie bike

4 rope climbs

24 wall-ball shots

24/18 calorie bike

3 rope climbs

16 wall-ball shots

16/12 calorie bike

2 rope climbs

8 wall-ball shots

8/6 calorie bike

1 rope climb

Thu, 03/31/22
Workout of the day

1. Power Snatch

Build to a heavy single

2. For Time:

30 Calorie Row

20 Burpee Box Jump-overs (24"/20")

10 Snatches @ 75% of today's heavy single

Wed, 03/30/22
Workout of the day

The Other CrossFit Total

In 30 minutes, build to a heavy:

1 clean

1 bench press

1 overhead squat

Tue, 03/29/22
Workout of the day

3 rounds for time:

30 DB Walking Lunges (Farmers, Front Rack, Overhead)

30 Weighted Sit-ups

10 Bar Muscle-ups

Mon, 03/28/22
Workout of the day


30 Rounds For Time

5 Wall Balls (20/14)

3 Handstand Push-Ups

1 Power Clean (225/155)

Sat, 03/26/22
Workout of the day

24:00 EMOM

A. :30 Push-ups

B. :45 Sit-ups

C. 1:00 Row

Fri, 03/25/22
Workout of the day

Run 5K

Your first session is free. Let's do this.