We're on a mission to build a family of humble, hungry, awesome people that love others and live healthy lives to the fullest. Let's Do This.

Get Started
Saturday, December 14
Go to WOD

24:00 EMOM (6 Sets)

A. 10-15 Toes to Bar

B. 10-15 Goblet Squats

C & D. 400m Run

Today's Schedule
Full Schedule
  • 7:30 AM CFV SPORT
  • 9:00 AM CrossFit
  • 10:00 AM CrossFit
  • 11:00 AM Endurance
IMG 5037

Photo of the Day

In honor of United States Air Force Sergeant Timothy

P. Davis (also known as DT), 28, who was killed on Feburary 20, 2009 supporting operations in Operation Enduring Freedom when his vehicle was struck by an improvised explosive device (IED).

Timothy is survived by his wife Megan and son T.J.


“The best! That's all there is to say.”
— Courtney C.
“Great box, and very friendly, and welcoming community of athletes. Recommend for anyone looking to elevate their fitness, or just be part of a great group of individuals that look out for one another’s health and success.”
— Derrick B.

Your first session is free. Let's do this.