We're on a mission to build a family of humble, hungry, awesome people that love others and live healthy lives to the fullest. Let's Do This.
Get StartedThursday, February 6
Go to WOD
DB Bench Press
DB Flat Bench Row
DB Rollbacks
Parallette Pass Throughs
3 x 10
5:00 AMRAP
:10 L-Sit
10 Push-ups
Today's Schedule
Full Schedule
- 5:00 AM CrossFit
- 6:00 AM CrossFit
- 7:00 AM CrossFit
- 8:00 AM CrossFit
- 9:00 AM CrossFit
- 10:00 AM CrossFit
- 11:00 AM QuickFit
- 12:00 PM CrossFit
- 1:00 PM CrossFit
- 2:00 PM Open Gym
- 3:30 PM CrossFit
- 4:30 PM CrossFit
- 5:30 PM CrossFit
- 6:30 PM CrossFit

Photo of the Day
Maryia, Donna, Ray, and Coach Eric all participated in the Ironside Gran Prix Weightlifting Meet. There were so many bright spots this weekend from first time weightlifting meet experiences, to PRs, and qualifying for Masters Nationals. Way to go team!
“Always full of awesome vibes and great people. If you're new to CrossFit and looking for a welcoming gym, this is definitely the place to go.”— Joey N.
“If there were a sixth star option I would give it to them. A fantastic gym with world class athletes.”— Garrett T.