Daily Workouts
2 Sets:
800m Run
2:00 Row for Calories
2:00 Rest
800m Run
2:00 Echo Bike for Calories
2:00 Rest
-Score is total calories completed.
Partner Workout
20:00 AMRAP
1 Power Clean (225/155)
3 Strict Pull-ups
6 Ring Push-ups
9 Wall Balls (20/14 lbs to 10 ft)
-Alternate full rounds with your partner
Box Jump
25 x 1 OT10sec.
20:00 EMOM
A. :30 Plate Hops
B. 5-15 Toes to Bar
C. :45 Ski
D. 200 ft. Farmer's Carry
Bench Press
9 x 3 OTmin.
3 Sets Close Grip
3 Sets Best Grip
3 Sets Wide Grip
10 Sets OTmin.
1-8 Strict Pull-ups
-Full minute bar hang on last set
Tate Press
2 Sets:
:30 Front Plank (on elbows)
:30 Right Side Plank
:30 Front Plank
:30 Left Side Plank
Bench Press
9 x 3 OTmin.
3 Sets Close Grip
3 Sets Best Grip
3 Sets Wide Grip
10 Sets OTmin.
1-8 Strict Pull-ups
DB Rollbacks
3 Sets:
1:00 Elbow Plank + slowly raise one leg at a time (alternating)
1:00 Rest
-Feet on foam roller
Front Squat
12 x 2 OT45sec.
Glute Ham Raise
3 x 10
DB Bulgarian Split Squat
6:00 EMOM
A. :45 Med Ball Cleans
B. :45 Med Ball Twists
Max Dead Hang from Pull-up Bar
15:00 AMRAP
25% Max Bar Hang*
15/12 Calorie Echo Bike
50 Double-unders
*If your max dead hang on the pull-up bar is 60 seconds, then your workout bar hang time for each round is 15 seconds (25% of 60 = 15)
Partner Workout
20:00 AMRAP
200m Run
20 Wall Balls
15 Toes to Bar
Alternate movements with your partner.
CrossFit Open Workout 25.3
For time:
5 wall walks
50-cal. row
5 wall walks
25 deadlifts (155/225 lb)
5 wall walks
25 cleans (85/135 lb)
5 wall walks
25 snatches (65/95 lb)
5 wall walks
50-cal. row
Time cap: 20 minutes
12:00 Echo Bike for Calories
Every 2 minutes, complete:
10 Sit-ups
10 Air Squats
Bench Press
5 Sets OTmin.
3-10 Strict Pull-ups
5 Sets OTmin.
3-10 Strict HSPU
5 Sets OT5min.
3-6 Wall Walks
3 rounds for time:
500m Row
12 Deadlifts (bodyweight)
21 Box Jumps (24"/20")
-Compare to 8/12/24
-Every 500m, 10 powerful strokes
Partner Workout:
5 Sets:
2:00 Echo Bike
2:00 to complete 8 D-ball cleans over post
Each athlete performs 5 two-minute work sets on the Echo Bike. While your partner is biking, complete 8 D-ball cleans over a 4-foot post.
CrossFit Open Workout 25.2 (22.3 repeat)
For time:
21 pull-ups
42 double-unders
21 thrusters (weight 1)
18 chest-to-bar pull-ups
36 double-unders
18 thrusters (weight 2)
15 bar muscle-ups
30 double-unders
15 thrusters (weight 3)
95/65 lb, then 115/75 lb, then 135/85 lb
10:00 Easy Row/Bike/Jog
Hip/ Glute Prep Series
Shoulder Prep Series
2 Sets:
5/5 KOT Split Squats
2 Sets:
10/10 Patrick Steps
10:00 Easy Bike/Row/Ski
4 Sets OT5min.
15 Push-ups
12 DB Step-ups
500m Row
6:00 AMRAP
3 Strict Pull-ups
6 Thrusters (115/80)
9 Chest-to-Bar Pull-ups
12 Front Squats (115/80)
12:00 EMOM
A. 1-5 Ring Muscle-ups
B. 3 Squat Cleans (build)
2 Rounds for time:
50 Single-unders
25/20 Calorie Echo Bike
50 Cross-overs
25/20 Calorie Echo Bike
50 Double-unders
25/20 Calorie Echo Bike
Sumo Deadlift
Pause Ring Row
4 x 8-12
4:00 AMRAP
150 Med Ball Twists
Max V-ups in remaining time
CrossFit Open 25.1
As many rounds and reps as possible in 15 minutes of:
3 burpees
3 dumbbell hang clean-to-overheads
30-foot walking lunge (2 x 15 feet)
*After completing each round, add 3 reps to the burpees and hang clean-to-overheads
10:00 Easy Row/Bike/Jog
Hip/ Glute Prep Series
Shoulder Prep Series
2 Sets:
5/5 KOT Split Squats
2 Sets:
10/10 Patrick Steps
10:00 Easy Bike/Row/Ski
4 Sets OT5min.
20 Russian KB Swings
40 Double-unders
500m Row
Box Squat
3 Rounds for time:
15 Burpee Box Jump-overs (24"/20")
15 Wall Balls (20/14 lb)
15/12 Calorie Echo Bike