
The CrossFit Fort Vancouver mission is to build a family of humble, hungry, awesome people that love others and live healthy lives to the fullest.

The way we approach fitness is a huge piece of the puzzle, but even the best exercise program requires quality nutrition to optimize results.

  • Are you looking for a fitness and nutrition program that will help you see sustainable results?
  • Are you looking for a community to support your health and fitness goals?
  • Are you looking for an expert coach to create a customized plan for you and provide you the accountability to stay on track?

If you answered "YES" to any of the questions above or even if they just piqued your curiosity, then we want to help you take control of your health through Nutrition Coaching!

How Do We Do It?
At CrossFit Fort Vancouver, we believe that something as fundamental as nutrition should be simple. We know what works and that's why we believe in:

  • Habit-Based Nutrition Coaching
  • Ditching The "All Or Nothing" Mindset So We Can Focus On One Thing At A Time
  • Expert Coaches That Provide Both Clear Direction And Effective Accountability

Getting Started Is EASY!

1. Book a FREE Strategy Call!
Meet one on one with a member of our staff so we can learn more about your background, your goals, and your "why". In this free Strategy Call, we'll work together to learn how we can best help!

2. Create YOUR Plan!
Work with a fitness and nutrition expert to create a simple and sustainable plan to reach your goals.

3. Enjoy Incredible Results!
Your coaches will be there every step of the way to help guide and support your journey to a better you. As you progress, they'll help to adapt your plan for continued success.

Meet Our Nutrition Team!

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Haley Vilhauer, CHPC, RDN, CD

Haley is a wife, mother of 3, a loyal friend, a foodie, and an all around AWESOME woman. She is also a Registered Dietician and Functional Nutritionist.

Haley LOVES food! She thinks about health, eating, biochemistry, stress, movement, sleep, and relationships constantly (Nutrition is about so much more than just the food!). Nearly 20 years of experience in the nutrition field continue to shape Haley’s approach, and she truly believes in the positive impact of her work.

As your nutrition coach, Haley’s aim is to work as your accountability buddy/guide/cheerleader/mentor to help navigate the real-life struggles that will come with making changes to your diet and lifestyle. Regardless of where you’re at in this journey we call life, Haley is committed to helping you discover how to eat for your body's unique needs and to support you as you take the next steps toward your best health.

Check out the following plans and let Haley help take your nutrition to the next level.

Schedule a Free Strategy Call with Haley

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Jessica Core

Hi Everyone! I go by Jess, Jessica, Core…you name it. I am married with a son named Vedder (yes after Eddie Vedder from Pearl Jam) and my daughter Sophia. I have worked as a Registered Nurse in the operating room for 10 years and I love it! I have been with CrossFit Fort Vancouver since the doors opened in 2009. During the years of 2009-2018 I competed individually or with the CrossFit Fort Vancouver team at the CrossFit Games for 8 of those years. The other two years, I had my kids!

Since then I have challenged myself in other ways such as running two marathons and becoming a certified nutrition coach. I thrive on structure, efficiency and might be the first to nicely call you out on making excuses :)

I have been meal-prepping as long as I can remember and it continues to evolve every year. It didn’t take me long to realize that meal prepping provided me 80% consistency of eating whole/minimally processed foods and gave me the emotional, social freedom for the remaining 20%. I also like that it is super efficient to have my breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks already prepared for a 12 hour hospital shift.

No, I am not always fitness and food obsessed. I also enjoy coffee, wine tasting, watching series/movies with the family, casino stops for a little black jack and taking vacations. However, I do have a deep passion for overall health and wellness. I don’t believe in “diets” as that is assuming it starts and ends. I believe in self awareness, self compassion and restructuring habits to support your goals.

I love the saying that when you feel the need to declutter, get rid of clothes or get a new haircut…it means you are making room for something new, literally and figuratively speaking.

It brings me excitement and joy to provide you support, accountability and help along the way to achieve your health and nutrition goals, because you know what? You will!

Schedule a Free Strategy Call with Jess

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Let's get you started

Use the following form to get in touch with Haley and begin your journey.

Your first session is free. Let's do this.