Daily Workouts
8:00 EMOM
8 DB Box Step-overs
5 Rounds for time:
15 Burpee Box Jump-overs
30/24 Calorie Row
2 Rounds for time
50 DB Snatches (50/35)
25 Toes to Bar
50 Wall Balls (20/14)
Merry Christmas!
Teams of 4:
24:00 AMRAP
Med Ball Step-ups
200 ft D-ball Carry
Rotate one movement forward every time the athlete that is on the D-ball Carry completes 200 feet.
"12 Days of Christmas"
100m Run
2 Strict Pull-ups or Muscle-ups
3 DB Push Press
4 DB Power Cleans
5 Burpees
6 Toes to Bar
7 Jumping Squats
8 DB Snatches
9 Push-ups
10 DB Lunges
11 Box Jumps
12 DB Squat Clean Thrusters
-Performed like the song. 1, then 2-1, then 3-2-1, etc.
3 Rounds for time:
50 Double-unders
25 Wall balls
25 KB Swings
20/15 Calorie Echo Bike
Bench Press
8 x 6
-If possible, add 5-10 lbs from last week
-Complete on a 2:15 timer
-Week 3 of 3
Strict Pull-ups
9 x 1-6
-Complete on a :45 timer
-If possible, increase reps from last week or add weight
-Week 3 of 3
5:00 AMRAP
10 Barbell Push-ups
:15 Hollow Rocks
5 Sets:
500m Row @ 2K Pace
5 Power Cleans (build)
20 Walking Lunges
-Rest as needed between sets in order to maintain consistent 2K pace on each 500m row.
Back Squat
12 x 2
-If possible, add 5-10 lbs from last week
-Complete each set every minute on the minute for 12 minutes
-Goal today is SPEED through the movement
-Week 3 of 3
Good Mornings
4 x 5
4 Sets:
25 Bottom Half Straight Leg Sit-ups
20 Hollow Body Hanging Leg Raises
24:00 EMOM in Teams of 3:
A. 10 DB Box Step-overs
B. 20 Sit-ups
C. Row for Calories
D. Rest
Team score is total calories rowed.
20:00 AMRAP
2 Muscle-Ups
4 Handstand Push-Ups
8 KB Swings (70/53)
Back Squat
9 x 3 @ 70%
-Complete each set every minute on the minute for 9 minutes
-Goal today is SPEED through the movement
-Week 2 of 3
Good Mornings
4 x 5
4 Sets:
25 Bottom Half Straight Leg Sit-ups
15 Hollow Body Hanging Leg Raises
5 Sets:
2:00 Echo Bike (hard)
1:00 Echo Bike (easy)
:30 Double-unders
:30 Echo Bike (easy)
Pacing Goal: Consistent output on the bike on all five 2:00 hard efforts and consistent reps on double-unders all five sets. Choose your pace wisely and ride as easy as needed during the recovery intervals to achieve those goals.
Bench Press
8 x 8 @ 70%
-Complete on a 2:15 timer
-Week 2 of 3
Strict Pull-ups
9 x 1-6
-Complete on a :45 timer
-If possible, increase reps from last week or add weight
-Week 2 of 3
12:00 AMRAP
10 Power Snatches (95/65)
12 Bar-facing Burpees
10 Power Snatches (95/65)
12 Bar-facing Burpees
50/40 Calorie Row
CFV Championship
15:00 AMRAP
10 Push-ups
15 Wall Balls
20/15 Calorie Row
30 Double-unders
5 Sets:
10/10 Single Leg Deadlifts
:15 L-Sit
10:00 AMRAP
1-2-3-4-5... rep rounds of:
4 Deadlifts (95/65 lb)
3 Power Cleans
2 Lunges
Complete 15 Sit-ups after each round.
1 round of the complex, 15 sit-ups, 2 rounds, 15 sit-ups, 3 rounds, 15 sit-ups, etc.
Bench Press
8 x 8 @ 65%
Complete on a 2:15 timer
-Week 1 of 3
Strict Pull-ups
9 x 1-6
Complete on a :45 timer
-Week 1 of 3
6:00 AMRAP
5 Wall Walks
100 ft. Farmer's Carry
10:00 EMOM
3-position snatch
21-15-9 reps for time:
Power Snatch (95/65)
Echo Bike Calories
Back Squat
9 x 3 @ 65%
Complete each set every minute on the minute for 9 minutes
-Goal today is SPEED through the movement
-Week 1 of 3
Good Mornings
4 x 5
4 Sets:
25 Bottom Half Straight Leg Sit-ups
10 Hollow Body Hanging Leg Raises
15:00 AMRAP
Strict Pull-ups
DB Push Press
DB Lunge
200m Run after each completed round
Partner Workout
20:00 AMRAP
5 Bench Press (135/95)
5 Front Squats (155/105)
5 Bar-facing Burpees
10 DB Box Step-Overs
Split Jerk
Build to a heavy single
Then, 3 x 2 @ 70-80% of today's heavy single.
10:00 EMOM
A. 5 Strict HSPU + :30 D-Ball Hold
B. :30 Hollow Rock/Hold