Daily Workouts

Fri, 06/28/24
Workout of the day

"Hotshots 19"

Six rounds for time of:

30 Squats

135 pound Power clean, 19 reps

7 Strict Pull-ups

Run 400 meters

Thu, 06/27/24
Workout of the day

10:00 EMOM

1 Wall Walk +

3 Strict Wall-facing Handstand Push-ups

-If possible, use plates to add a step up on the wall walk and a deficit on the handstand push-ups.

50-40-30-20-10 reps for time:



Wed, 06/26/24
Workout of the day

10:00 AMRAP

8 DB Bench Press

10 V-ups

12/10 Calorie Echo Bike

Tue, 06/25/24
Workout of the day

Build to a heavy set of:

1 Deadlift

1 Hang Clean

1 Clean

1 Jerk

Mon, 06/24/24
Workout of the day

3 Rounds for time:

15 DB Thrusters (50/35)

15 Burpees over erg

50/40 Calorie Row

Sat, 06/22/24
Workout of the day

Partner Workout

3 Sets:

In 6:00, complete:

60 DB Box Step-ups (50/35 lb. to 20")

Max Cal Echo Bike in remaining time

1:00 Rest between sets

Score is total cals completed.

One athlete works, one rests. Partition the work any way.

Fri, 06/21/24
Workout of the day

20:00 EMOM

A. Air Squats

B. Power Cleans (135/95)

C. Strict Pull-ups*

D & E. 400m Run

*Cap Pull-ups at :45

Record 3 separate numbers:

total air squats, power cleans, and strict pull-ups

Thu, 06/20/24
Workout of the day

5 Rounds for time:

15 Hand-Release Push-ups on bench/box

25 Sit-ups

50 Double-unders

Wed, 06/19/24
Workout of the day

42-30-18 reps for time:

Dumbbell Snatches (50/35)

Calorie row

*Women's cals: 34-24-14

Tue, 06/18/24
Workout of the day

3 Rounds for time:

400m Run

21 Overhead Squats (75/55)

15 Pull-ups (C2B)

Mon, 06/17/24
Workout of the day

Build to a heavy set of:

1 Deadlift

1 Hang Clean

1 Clean

2 Front Squats

Sat, 06/15/24
Workout of the day

Partner Workout

100 Med Ball Sit-ups

150 DB Snatches

200/160 Calorie Row

-Partition the reps in any order. One works, one rests, except on the med ball sit-ups, when both athletes work at the same time.

Fri, 06/14/24
Workout of the day

15:00 AMRAP

20 Air Squats

10 Power Cleans (135/95)

5 Strict Pull-ups

15/12 Calorie Echo Bike

Thu, 06/13/24
Workout of the day

25:00 EMOM (5 Sets)

A. :30 Hand Release Push-ups

B. :30 Jump Rope Cross-overs

C. :30 DB Renegade Rows

D. :30 Med Ball Twists

E. :30 D-ball March

Wed, 06/12/24
Workout of the day

3 Rounds for time:

15 Burpee Box Jumps (24"/20")

20 Toes to Bar

800m Run

Tue, 06/11/24
Workout of the day

Back Squat


Max Wall Balls Shots (30/20 lb to 10/9 ft)

Mon, 06/10/24
Workout of the day

12:00 AMRAP

4 Wall-facing Handstand Push-ups

8 Deadlifts (225/155)

12/10 Calorie Echo Bike

Sat, 06/08/24
Workout of the day

5:00 AMRAP

6 D-ball Cleans (100/70)

12 V-ups

1:00 Rest

5:00 AMRAP

6 Dumbbell Cleans (50/35)

12 Sit-ups

1:00 Rest

5:00 AMRAP

6 Med Ball Cleans (100/70)

12 Med Ball Twists

Fri, 06/07/24
Workout of the day

Partner Workout

12 Sets Each:

In 1:00, complete:

10/8 Calorie Row

Max Burpees to 6" target in remaining time

Score is total burpees completed.

Complete on a 24-minute running clock

Thu, 06/06/24
Workout of the day

Push Jerk

Build to a heavy single

Bent Row


Strict Wall-facing Handstand Push-ups

3 x 12

This is 4 sets of 3 reps at decreasing depths without coming down. Do not bounce head off the floor, but move through the range with speed.


Reps 1-3: head to floor

Reps 4-6: head to one 10 lb bumper

Reps 7-9: head to two 10 lb bumpers

Reps 10-12: head to three 10 lb bumpers

3 Sets:

:30 GHD Backpaddle

Wed, 06/05/24
Workout of the day

5 Rounds for time:

15 Strict Pull-ups

400m Run

Tue, 06/04/24
Workout of the day

For time:

10-second L-sit

10 box jump-overs

20-second L-sit

10 box jump-overs

30-second L-sit

10 box jump-overs

40-second L-sit

10 box jump-overs

50-second L-sit

10 box jump-overs

60-second L-sit

♀ 24 inches

♂ 30 inches

Mon, 06/03/24
Workout of the day

7 Sets OT2min.

1 Squat Clean +

2 Front Squats

15-12-9 reps for time:

Front Squats (135/95)

Calorie Echo Bike

-Reset monitor every round

Sat, 06/01/24
Workout of the day

For Time:

16-14-12-10-8-6-4-2 rep rounds of:

DB Snatches

DB Lunges (hold DB in goblet position)

Lateral Burpees over the dumbbell

Your first session is free. Let's do this.