Daily Workouts

Thu, 11/04/21
Workout of the day

7:00 AMRAP

50 Double-Unders

5 Wall Walks

3:00 Rest

7:00 AMRAP

10 Calorie Ski

10 Toes To bar

Wed, 11/03/21
Workout of the day

Front Squat


-:03 Pause on 1st rep of each set

3 sets of:

Barbell Front Rack Bulgarian Split Squats x 20 reps @2020 (the tempo is like a metronome)

Rest :45 between each leg.

Tue, 11/02/21
Workout of the day


Pull-Ups, C2B

Shoulder To Overhead (115/80)

2 Sets:

10 Strict Pull-Ups

20 Weighted Sit-Ups

30 Banded Good Mornings

Mon, 11/01/21
Workout of the day

5 Rounds

3:00 Work/1:00 Rest

12 Deadlifts (225/155)

15 Burpees Over Erg

Max Cal Row In Remainining Time

Sat, 10/30/21
Workout of the day


10 rounds for time

100m Sprint

5 Burpees

20 Sit-ups

15 Push-ups

100m Sprint

Rest 2 minutes

*Wear a weight vest

**Meet at the gym and jog to the track for this one

Fri, 10/29/21
Workout of the day

Partner Workout

Every 4:00 for 5 Sets:

30 Wall balls (30/20 lb)

40/32 Calorie Row

Max Power Cleans in remaining time (185/125)

Thu, 10/28/21
Workout of the day

30:00 EMOM

A. :45 Ski for Calories

B. :30 Double-unders

C. :30 Hollow Body PVC Pull-down

D. :30 DB Step-ups

E. :45 Run

F. :15 L-Sit

Wed, 10/27/21
Workout of the day

1. Shoulder Press

5 x 3

2. Weighted Pull-up

5 x 3

3. 7:00 AMRAP


Strict Handstand Push-ups

Strict Pull-ups

Tue, 10/26/21
Workout of the day

15:00 AMRAP

5 D-ball Cleans (100/70)

7 Box Jumps (24"/20")

10 Calorie Echo Bike

Mon, 10/25/21
Workout of the day

1. 10:00 EMOM

1 Power Snatch +

1 Hang Snatch +

1 Overhead Squat

2. 21-15-9 reps for time:

Overhead Squat (115/80)

Toes to bar

Sat, 10/23/21
Workout of the day

3 Sets:

1:00 Wall balls

1:00 Push-ups

1:00 Sit-ups

1:00 Step-ups

1:00 Bike for Calories

1:00 Rest

Fri, 10/22/21
Workout of the day

CrossFit Lift, Move, Work

On a 20-minute Running Clock:

From 0:00 - 4:00

1-Rep-Max Clean

2:00 REST

From 6:00 - 10:00:

4:00 AMRAP:

Bar Muscle-ups/Pull-ups/Ring Rows

2:00 REST

From 12:00 - 20:00:

8:00 AMRAP:

30 Double Unders

8 Single-Arm DB Push Presses (Left) (50/35 lb)

8 Single-Arm DB Push Presses (Right)

8 Lateral DB Burpees

Thu, 10/21/21
Workout of the day

14:00 AMRAP

100 ft. D-ball Bearhug Carry (100/70)

100 ft. Farmer's Carry (60/40)

5-10-15-20... Calorie Bike

Wed, 10/20/21
Workout of the day

1. Clean & Jerk

5 x 2

2. Clean & Jerk

5 x 1

3. Back Squat

3 x 10

4. 3:00 Plank Plate Slides

Tue, 10/19/21
Workout of the day

4 Rounds for time:

600m Run

100 ft. Lunge

15 Burpee Box Jumps (24"/20")

Mon, 10/18/21
Workout of the day

CrossFit Open Workout 16.3

7:00 AMRAP

10 Power Snatches (75/55 lb)

3 Bar Muscle-Ups

Sat, 10/16/21
Workout of the day

12:00 AMRAP

9 Deadlifts (115/80)

6 Burpees

3 Power Cleans

Fri, 10/15/21
Workout of the day

3 Rounds for time:

9 Bar Muscle-ups

15 Wall balls (30/20)

21/16 Calorie Echo Bike

12:00 Cap

At the 15:00 mark, complete

3 Rounds for time:

9 Strict Pull-ups

15 Wall balls (30/20)

21/16 Calorie Echo Bike

Thu, 10/14/21
Workout of the day

18:00 AMRAP

10 DB Deficit Push-ups

10 DB Lunges

20 Sit-ups

Every 6:00 Including 0:00, 200m Farmer's Carry.

Pick up where you left off on AMRAP

Wed, 10/13/21
Workout of the day

1. Clean

5 x 2

5 x 1

2. Jerk

5 x 2

5 x 1

3. Back Squat

3 x 9

4. 5:00 EMOM

:20 Hollow Rock/hold

:20 Plank

Tue, 10/12/21
Workout of the day

20:00 EMOM

A. 13 Burpees over the erg

B. Row for Calories

Score is total calories completed

Mon, 10/11/21
Workout of the day

7:00 AMRAP


Front Squat (95/65)

Push Press

Pull-ups (C2B)

Sat, 10/09/21
Workout of the day

24:00 EMOM

A. 1-2 Legless Rope Climbs

B. 20 Push-ups

C. 20/16 Calorie Row

D. 20 DB Reverse Lunges (50/35)*

*One DB held in front rack during lunges

Fri, 10/08/21
Workout of the day

Partner Workout

18:00 AMRAP

10 Deadlifts (225/155)

20 Wall balls (30/20 lb)

30 Sit-ups

Every minute on the minute, complete 10/8 Calories on the Echo Bike

One works, one rests on the triplet.

One partner can bike while the other continues working on the triplet.

Your first session is free. Let's do this.