Workout of the day

Individual Semifinals Event 5

For Time:

10 Squat Snatches by 2:00 (185/135)

8 Squat Snatches by 4:00 (205/145)

6 Squat Snatches by 6:00 (225/155)

4 Squat Snatches by 8:00 (245/165)

2 Squat Snatches by 11:00 (265/175)

Time Cap: 11:00

Scaling Notes:

Snatch %:

10 @ 60%

8 @ 70%

6 @ 80%

4 @ 87%

2 @ 92%

-These are ballpark percentages. They can go up or down slightly in order to keep loading simple

-Scale to power snatch + overhead squat if necessary

Your first session is free. Let's do this.