Workout of the day

3/23 Whiteboard Briefing

7:00 AMRAP


Object Forward Lunges


2:00 Rest

Then, for time

Start at the last rep you completed on the 7:00 AMRAP and work your way back down the ladder, finishing with the round of 2. This time, do object REVERSE lunges (stepping back each rep) instead of forward lunges.

Core Finisher

2 Rounds (10:00)
:40 on / :20 off
Mountain Climbers
Hollow Hold
Plank Walk Ups
Windshield Wipers

(Scale to :30 on / :30 off)

For your object lunges, use something moderately heavy: a backpack with some weight in it, a sandbag, a rock, a round of firewood, a jug of water- anything you have available! You could also use a kettlebell, dumbbell, or med ball if you have one. If it feels awkward, GOOD! To make the lunges more challenging, hold your object in the bearhug or goblet position in front of your body. To make the lunges a little less challenging, hold your object on a shoulder.

Your first session is free. Let's do this.