Round Up

Pairs Event 1

2:00- 20/10 cal. Row + 8 Pull-ups, 7 Chest to bar pull-ups, 6 Bar muscle-ups

2:00- 25/15 cal. Row + 8-7-6 Gymnastics complex

2:00- 30/20 cal. Row + 8-7-6 Gymnastics complex

2:00- 35/25 cal. Row + 8-7-6 Gymnastics complex

2:00- 40/30 cal. Row + 8-7-6 Gymnastics complex


Each 2:00 round, one partner rows while the other completes the gymnastics complex. Switch roles each round: the rower switches to the gymnastics complex and the person doing the gymnastics complex switches to the row. As long as both athletes complete the prescribed work in each 2:00 round, they advance to the next round. Calories on the rower increase by 5 each round. Men start at 20, ladies start at 10. The gymnastics complex remains the same every round.

Scale gymnastics complex to a version you can complete in 1:00.
Workout can also be done individually.

Your first session is free. Let's do this.