Daily Workouts

Tue, 07/11/23
Workout of the day


21-15-9 reps for time:



Mon, 07/10/23
Workout of the day

3 Rounds for time:

400m Run

15 Deadlifts (225/155)

50 Double-unders

Sat, 07/08/23
Workout of the day

10 Sets on a 75 second timer:

2 Power Cleans (build)

10 Push-ups


Ring Rows

DB Box Step-ups


Each Tabata interval is 8 rounds of :20 work followed by :10 rest. Complete all 8 rounds of each movement before starting the next movement. No additional rest between rounds when transitioning from one movement to the next.

Fri, 07/07/23
Workout of the day

Partner Workout

For Time:

100 Thrusters (115/80)

100 Partner Med Ball Sit-ups

200/160 Calorie Row

-Both athletes work at the same time.

-Partition the reps any way you'd like

Thu, 07/06/23
Workout of the day

Deadlift Speed Pulls

10 x 2 On the minute

Week 3 of 3

Use 50% 1RM barbell weight

335+ 1RM: Use #3 Bands

225-335 1RM: Use #2 Bands

150-225 1RM: Use #1 Bands

<150 1RM: Use #0 Bands

3 Sets:

8/8 Back Rack Backstepping Lunges

3 Sets:

8-12 Glute Ham Raises

5:00 EMOM

:20 Hollow Rocks

:20 Shoulder Taps

Banded Good Mornings

150 Reps

Wed, 07/05/23
Workout of the day

20:00 EMOM

A. 2 Rope Climbs

B. 100 ft. Sandbag Carry

C. 10 Ring Dips

D. :45 Echo Bike

Tue, 07/04/23
Workout of the day

GYM CLOSED- Happy 4th of July!


5 Rounds For Time

100ft Bear Crawl

100ft Standing Broad Jump

-Perform 3 Burpees After Every 5 Broad Jumps - this is a vest workout

Mon, 07/03/23
Workout of the day

For Time:

800m Run

40 Wall Balls

8 Bar Muscle-ups

600m Run

30 Wall Balls

6 Bar Muscle-ups

400m Run

20 Wall Balls

4 Bar Muscle-ups

Sat, 07/01/23
Workout of the day

Partner Workout

20:00 AMRAP

15 Push-ups

20/15 Calorie Row

30 Double-unders

One partner works, one rests. Switch who is working every minute. Score is total rounds and reps completed.

Fri, 06/30/23
Workout of the day

"Hotshots 19"

Six rounds for time of:

30 Squats

135 pound Power clean, 19 reps

7 Strict Pull-ups

Run 400 meters

Thu, 06/29/23
Workout of the day

10:00 EMOM

1 Wall Walk +

3 Strict Wall-facing Handstand Push-ups

-If possible, use plates to add a step up on the wall walk and a deficit on the handstand push-ups.

5:00 AMRAP

:15 L-Sit

25 Cross-overs

Wed, 06/28/23
Workout of the day

5 Sets:

10 DB Bench Press (build)

20 Box Step-ups (20")

30/24 Calorie Row

2:00 Rest

Tue, 06/27/23
Workout of the day

Deadlift Speed Pulls

10 x 2 On the minute

Week 2 of 3

Use 45% 1RM barbell weight

335+ 1RM: Use #3 Bands

225-335 1RM: Use #2 Bands

150-225 1RM: Use #1 Bands

<150 1RM: Use #0 Bands

3 Sets:

8-12 Glute Ham Raises

3 Sets:

8/8 Back Rack Bulgarian Split Squats

5:00 AMRAP

30 Banded Good Mornings

15 V-ups

Mon, 06/26/23
Workout of the day

3 Rounds for time:

15 Front Squats (115/80)

15 Shoulder to Overhead

15 Toes to Bar

400m Run

Sat, 06/24/23
Workout of the day

Partner Workout

For Time:

100 Burpee Box Jumps (24"/20")

150 DB Snatches (50/35)

200/160 Calorie Row

-Both partners work at the same time, but only one athlete at each movement at a time

-Partition reps any way and in any order you'd like.

Fri, 06/23/23
Workout of the day

20:00 EMOM

A. Air Squats

B. Power Cleans (135/95)

C. Strict Pull-ups*

D & E. 400m Run

*Cap Pull-ups at :45

Record 3 separate numbers: total air squats, power cleans, and strict pull-ups

Thu, 06/22/23
Workout of the day

10:00 AMRAP

5 Strict Wall-facing HSPU

10 Toes to Bar

20 Step-ups (20" box)

Wed, 06/21/23
Workout of the day

8 Rounds for time:

3 Front Squats (165/110)

10/8 Calorie Echo

25 Double-unders

Tue, 06/20/23
Workout of the day

Deadlift Speed Pulls

10 x 2 On the minute

Week 1 of 3

Use 40% 1RM barbell weight

335+ 1RM: Use #3 Bands

225-335 1RM: Use #2 Bands

150-225 1RM: Use #1 Bands

<150 1RM: Use #0 Bands

3 Sets:

8-12 Glute Ham Raises

3 Sets:

8/8 Back Rack Bulgarian Split Squats

3:00 AMRAP

12 Russian KB Swings

12 V-ups

Mon, 06/19/23
Workout of the day

3 Rounds for time:

15 Thrusters (95/65)

15 Pull-ups (C2B)

400m Run

Sat, 06/17/23
Workout of the day

4 Rounds for reps:

1:00 Wall Walks

1:00 V-Ups

1:00 Echo Bike for Calories

1:00 Rest

Fri, 06/16/23
Workout of the day

Partner Workout

20:00 AMRAP

5 Power Cleans (135/95)

5 Strict Pull-ups

15 Air Squats


200m Run

Both partners work simultaneously. One partner starts on the AMRAP, the other starts on the run. Switch places every time an athlete completes their 200m run.

Score is Total Rounds + Reps on the AMRAP and Total Run Distance

Thu, 06/15/23
Workout of the day

Dumbbell Bench Press

6 x 10

6:00 AMRAP

10 Ring Push-ups

20 Double-unders

Wed, 06/14/23
Workout of the day

Pause Front Squat

Build to a heavy single

:03 Pause in the bottom

Then, 3 x 3 at 80% of today's heavy single (no pause)

3 Sets:

8/8 Back Rack Bulgarian Split Squats

3 Sets:

8/8 Copenhagen Plank

Banded Good Mornings

100 Reps

Your first session is free. Let's do this.