Daily Workouts
12:00 AMRAP
10 DB Power Cleans (50/35)
15 Box Jump-overs (24"/20")
20 Calorie Row
800m Run
10:00 of Pull-ups + Push-ups + Squats*
800m Run
10:00 of Pull-ups + Push-ups + Squats
800m Run
*Choose from the rep scheme below that you plan to use for Murph:
A. 2-4-6
B. 3-6-9
C. 4-8-12
D. 5-10-15
E. 10-20-30
3 rounds for time:
50 Up-downs
30 KB Lunges (53/35)
1:00 L-sit hold*
*Accumulate a total of 1:00 in the L-sit per round.
"New York Minute"
For Time (with a Partner):
150 Wall Balls (20/14 lb)
30 Muscle-Ups
30 Clean-and-Jerks (155/105 lb)
One partner works, one rests. Partners switch every minute. Perform the work in order until it is complete.
Banded Dead Bench Press
9 x 3
40% Bar Weight
30% Band Tension
3 Sets Close Grip
3 Sets Medium Grip
3 Sets Wide Grip
10:00 EMOM
10 Barbell Push-ups
-Lower Barbell from last week
3:00 EMOM
:30 Max Strict Pull-ups
3:00 EMOM
:35 Hollow Rocks/Hold
Banded Box Squat
9 x 3 On the Minute
-Week 1 of 3
-Use 30% 1RM Box Squat Barbell Weight
-Use 25-30% Band Tension at lockout
Speed goal: .8 m/s+
Dimel Deadlifts
3 rounds of:
30sec. Side Plank *on elbow
30sec. Plank *on elbows
30sec. Side Plank *on elbow
30sec. Plank *on elbows
Banded Good Mornings
3 x 50
10:00 AMRAP
10 DB Snatches (50/35)
10 Lateral Burpees
10 Calorie Echo Bike
For Time:
4 Rounds of 3-6-9 Pull-ups, Push-ups, Squats
3 Rounds of 4-8-12
2 Rounds of 5-10-15
1 Round of 10-20-30
2 Rounds of 5-10-15
3 Rounds of 4-8-12
4 Rounds of 3-6-9
Run 400m between each set
30:00 Cap
3 Rounds for reps:
1:00 D-ball Cleans (100/70)
1:00 KB Step-ups (20", 53/35)
1:00 Burpees to 6" touch
1:00 DB Snatch (70/50)
1:00 Row
1:00 Rest
Partner Workout
20:00 AMRAP
200m Run
20 Wall Balls
15 Toes to Bar
Alternate movements with your partner.
Dead Bench Press
Build to a heavy single
-Set spotter arms 1" - 2" above chest
10:00 EMOM
10 Barbell Push-ups
Dumbbell Rollbacks
Chest-Supported Flat Bench DB Rows
Band Pressdowns
100 Reps
2:00 Max Bottom Half Sit-ups
Box Squat
Build to a heavy single (wide stance)
Good Morning
5-5-5-5 (build)
Seated Hamstring Curls
100 reps
Copenhagen Plank
3 x 5 per side
-:03 pause at top of each rep
For time:
1,000m Row
100 Double-unders
800m Run
750m Row
75 Double-unders
600m Run
500m Row
50 Double-unders
400m Run
250m Row
25 Double-unders
200m Run
20:00 AMRAP
5 Pull-ups
10 Push-ups
15 Squats
*Today kicks off our "Murph Prep" Mondays for the month of May. We'll be training the movements and building in volume as we work toward our May hero workout of the month on Memorial Day (May 29th). If you plan to wear a weight vest for "Murph" that day, bring it in for your Monday training sessions this month!
5 Rounds for reps:
1:00 Russian KB Swings
1:00 Burpees to a plate
1:00 Row
1:00 Rest
3 Sets:
3:00 AMRAP
5 Ring Dips
10 Toes to Bar
30 Double-unders
5:00 Rest between sets
24:00 EMOM
A. 5/5 DB Split Squats
B. :30 Ski
C. 100 ft. Carry*
D. :30 Echo Bike
*Use a D-ball or Sandbag for your carries
Back Squat
9 x 3 On the Minute
-Week 3 of 3
-Use 40% 1RM Back Squat Barbell Weight
-Use 25-30% Band Tension at lockout
Band Tensions:
#0 Bands: 20-25 lb (small black)
#1 Bands: 35-45 lb (red)
#2 Bands: 50-60 lb (thick black)
#3 Bands: 95-115 lb (purple)
#4 Bands: 145-175 lb (green)
1RM Back Squat: 315 lb
40% 1RM: 125 lb
40% Band Tension: 95 lb = purple bands
Speed goal: .7 m/s+
3-4 Sets:
8-12 Glute Ham Raises
100 Banded Hamstring Curls
3:00 EMOM
:50 Med Ball Twists
For Time:
800m Run
21 Power Cleans (155/105)
600m Run
15 Power Cleans
400m Run
9 Power Cleans
For Time:
50 Thrusters (95/65)
50 Pull-ups (C2B)
100/80 Calorie Row
Partition reps any way
30:00 AMRAP
5 Deadlifts (275/185)
13 Push-Ups
9 Box Jumps (24/20")
15:00 AMRAP with a partner:
3 Bar Muscle-ups
10 Air Squats
10/8 Calorie Echo Bike
-Alternate complete rounds with your partner.
15:00 EMOM
8 V-Ups
1 Power Snatch
Back Squat
9 x 3 On the Minute
-Week 2 of 3
-Use 35% 1RM Back Squat Barbell Weight
-Use 25-30% Band Tension at lockout
Band Tensions:
#0 Bands: 20-25 lb (small black)
#1 Bands: 35-45 lb (red)
#2 Bands: 50-60 lb (thick black)
#3 Bands: 95-115 lb (purple)
#4 Bands: 145-175 lb (green)
1RM Back Squat: 315 lb
35% 1RM: 110 lb
25-30% Band Tension: 95 lb = purple bands
Speed goal: .7 m/s+
3-4 Sets:
8-12 Glute Ham Raises
100/100 Single Leg Banded Hamstring Curls
3:00 EMOM
:45 Med Ball Twists