Daily Workouts

Tue, 12/26/23
Workout of the day

15:00 AMRAP

5 Strict Pull-ups

10 Wall Balls

15/12 Calorie Echo Bike

Sat, 12/23/23
Workout of the day

Teams of 3:

30-minute Row for Calories

-Rotate every minute

-During your "rest," complete 20 DB Step-ups

Fri, 12/22/23
Workout of the day

"12 Days of Christmas"

100m Run

2 Strict Pull-ups or Muscle-ups

3 DB Push Press

4 DB Power Cleans

5 Burpees

6 Toes to Bar

7 Jumping Squats

8 DB Snatches

9 Push-ups

10 DB Lunges

11 Box Jumps

12 DB Squat Clean Thrusters

-Performed like the song. 1, then 2-1, then 3-2-1, etc.

Thu, 12/21/23
Workout of the day

5 Sets on a 4:00 Timer:

15 Russian KB Swings

20 Sit-ups

30/24 Calorie Echo Bike

Wed, 12/20/23
Workout of the day

Shoulder Press

Build to a heavy single

7:00 EMOM

2-5 Wall Walks

7:00 EMOM

10 Ring Rows (feet elevated)

Tue, 12/19/23
Workout of the day

5 Sets:

500m Row @ 2K Pace

5 Power Cleans (build)

20 Walking Lunges

-Rest as needed between sets in order to maintain consistent 2K pace on each 500m row.

Mon, 12/18/23
Workout of the day

10:00 AMRAP

8 Toes to Bar

16 Wall Balls

32 Double-unders

Sat, 12/16/23
Workout of the day

30:00 EMOM (6 Sets)

A. :30 DB Box Step-overs

B. :30 Echo Bike

C. :30 Strict Pull-ups

D. :30 Ski

E. :30 Wall Walks

Fri, 12/15/23
Workout of the day

Partner Workout

15:00 AMRAP-

5 Bar Muscle-ups

10 Clean & Jerks I135/95)

25/20 Calorie Row

Thu, 12/14/23
Workout of the day

10 Sets for Quality:

5 Ring Dips

10 Goblet Squats

:15 L-Sit

Wed, 12/13/23
Workout of the day



Sets 1-2-3-4-5 should be heavier than 5-4-3-2-1.

4 Sets:

50 ft. D-ball Push

50 ft. D-ball Pull

3 Sets:

60 Banded Good Mornings

30 Bottom Half Sit-ups

Tue, 12/12/23
Workout of the day

12:00 Max Calorie Echo Bike

Every 3:00, complete:

15 Toes to Bar +

15 Push-ups

(Perform toes to bar and push-ups at 0, 3, 6, & 9-minute mark)

Mon, 12/11/23
Workout of the day

3 Rounds for time:

18 Thrusters (100/65)

3 Rope Climbs OR 2 Legless Rope Climbs (15/13 ft)

Sat, 12/09/23
Workout of the day

CFV Championship

Fri, 12/08/23
Workout of the day

3 Rounds for time:

5 D-ball Cleans (150/100 over bar)

10 Power Cleans (115/80)

15 Bar-facing Burpees

20 Wall Balls (20/14 lb to 10 ft)

45/36 Calorie Row

Alternate Version (with partner):

6 Rounds for time:

5 D-ball Cleans (100/70 over bar)

10 Power Cleans (95/65)

15 Bar-facing Burpees

20 Wall Balls (14/10 lb to 10 ft)


275/220 Calorie Row

20 minute time cap

Thu, 12/07/23
Workout of the day

Partner Workout

2:00 AMRAP

Bench Press (225/145)

-One works, one spots

-Partition work any way you'd like

4 Rounds for time:

30 DB Hang Snatches (50/35)

100 Double-unders

-One works, one rests

-Alternate full rounds

Wed, 12/06/23
Workout of the day

Back Squat

Build to a heavy single

Then 5-4-3 reps @ 70% of today's heavy single

3 Sets:

10/10 Back Rack Backstepping Lunges

Med Ball Twists


Tue, 12/05/23
Workout of the day

27-21-15-9 reps for time:


Shoulder to overhead (95/65)

Box Jumps (24"/20")

Mon, 12/04/23
Workout of the day

11:00 AMRAP

1-2-3-4-5... Deadlifts (225/155)

2-4-6-8-10... Calories on Echo Bike

Sat, 12/02/23
Workout of the day



Partner Workout

7:00 AMRAP

10 Squat Clean Thrusters (135/95)

20 Medicine Ball Sit-ups

One works, one rests on the squat clean thrusters. Both work together on the sit-ups

Fri, 12/01/23
Workout of the day

32:00 EMOM

A. :45 Echo Bike

B. Rope Climbs

C. :45 Row

D. Strict Wall-facing HSPU

Athlete choice on numbers. Goal on the machines is consistency from start to finish. Make good choices, knowing that the same number of calories in round 7 will require more effort than in round 1.

For the rope climbs and HSPU, athletes should choose variations and numbers that stimulate improvement in technique and capacity. The goal is quality reps under fatigue, not working to failure and grinding through sloppy reps.

Thu, 11/30/23
Workout of the day

10 Rounds for time:

6 Toes to Bar

10 DB Front Rack Walking Lunges (50/35)

25 Double-unders

Wed, 11/29/23
Workout of the day

Back Squat


Banded Nordic

3 x 8

Accumulate 2:00 in an L-Sit

Tue, 11/28/23
Workout of the day

10:00 AMRAP

8 Power Snatches (95/65)

10 Bar-facing Burpees

Your first session is free. Let's do this.