Daily Workouts
5 Sets on a 4:00 Timer:
15 V-ups
10 DB Box Step-overs (50/35 lb, 24"20")
15/12 Calorie Echo Bike
Score = longest time of any single set.
Clean Deadlift: 6x2 OT40sec. (100% 1RM Power Clean)
1:00 Rest
Clean Pull: 6x2 OT50sec. (90% 1RM Power Clean
1:00 Rest
Power Clean: 6 x 2 OTmin. (80% 1RM Power Clean)
10:00 AMRAP
5 Strict Wall-facing HSPU
10 Power Cleans (135/95)
20 Cross-overs
30 Double-unders
CrossFit Open Workout 11.6
7:00 AMRAP
Thrusters (100 lb)
Pull-ups (C2B)
6:00 EMOM
10 Toes to Bar
10 Pistols
Partner Workout
For Time:
2000m Row Relay (alternating 250m)
100 Burpee Box Jump-overs (24"/20")
2 Mile Relay (alternating 400m)
Front Squat
5 x 5 @ 75-80% 1RM
Partner Workout
10:00 AMRAP
Wall Balls
Med Ball Sit-ups
CrossFit Open Workout 18.3
2 rounds for time of:
100 double-unders
20 overhead squats (115/80)
100 double-unders
12 ring muscle-ups
100 double-unders
20 dumbbell snatches (50/35)
100 double-unders
12 bar muscle-ups
5 Sets on a 6:00 Timer:
3:00 Target Training Row
:30 Free Handstand Hold
-Score is your highest target training percentage in any of the 5 sets.
Handstand Hold Options:
-Wall-facing hold, angled
-Wall-facing hold, vertical
-Free-standing assisted
Sumo Deadlift
Build to a heavy set of 3
5:00 AMRAP
50 ft. DB Front Rack Walking Lunge
12 Burpees
1:00 Rest
50 V-ups
For Time:
25 Strict Pull-ups
400m Run
25 Toes to Bar
400m Run
25 Pull-ups
400m Run
25 Chest-to-bar Pull-ups
400m Run
2:00 Cumulative L-Sit
8:00 AMRAP
Wall Walks
Power Cleans (155/105)
Front Squats (155/105)
4 Sets:
6 Strict Wall-facing HSPU
12 Pistols (6/6)
8 Sets OT2:15
6 Close Grip Bench Press
-Increase weight from last week if possible
Kroc row
Alternating Hammer Curls
2 Sets:
:30 Right Plank
:30 Left Plank
1:00 Front Plank
Partner Workout
2 Rounds for time:
60 Thrusters (95/65)
50 Pull-ups (C2B)
40 Power Snatches (95/65)
30 Burpee Box Jump-overs (24"/20)
20:00 Time Cap
20:00 EMOM
A. Bike
B. V-Ups
C. Shuttle Runs
D. Banded Good Mornings
Back Squat
5 x 5 @ 80-85% 1RM
-Complete on a 3:00 timer
6:00 EMOM
3 Ring Muscle-ups
CrossFit Open Workout 19.3
For time
200-ft. dumbbell overhead lunge
50 dumbbell box step-ups
50 strict handstand push-ups
200-ft. handstand walk
M 50-lb. dumbbell / 24-in. box
W 35-lb. dumbbell / 20-in. box
Time cap: 10 minutes
4 Rounds for time:
10 Hang Power Cleans (135/95)
15 Toes to Bar
30/24 Calorie Row
8 Sets OT2:15
8 Close Grip Bench Press
-Increase weight from last week if possible
10:00 EMOM
1-2 Rope Climbs
100 Reps:
Band Pressdowns
Partner Finisher
4:00 AMRAP
Med Ball Sit-ups
Partner Workout
16:00 AMRAP
4 Bar Muscle-ups
8 DB Thrusters
16 Burpee Box Jump-overs
-One work, one rests, partition work between partners any way you'd like
5 Rounds for time:
14 KB Step-ups (53/35 lb to 20" box)
16 Russian KB Swings (53/35)
18 Sit-ups
20/16 Calorie Row
Build to a heavy set of:
1 Clean +
3 Front Squats
Split Stance DB Romanian Deadlift:
5 Sets:
:20 Hollow Rocks
:20 Supermans
:20 Rest
Handstand/Handstand Walk Practice
20:00 EMOM
A. 3-10 Strict HSPU
B. Shuttle Runs
C. 5-15 Pull-ups (C2B)
D. DB Walking Lunges
10:00 AMRAP
Power Snatches (75/55)
Overhead Squats
Bar-facing Burpees
8 Sets OT2:15
8 Close Grip Bench Press
9 Sets OT45sec.
1-6 Strict Pull-ups
Teams of 3:
9:00 Tabata Echo Bike
(6 sets of :20 of work each)
50-40-30-20-10 reps for time
Wall balls (20/14 lb)
Box jumps (24"/20")
Kettlebell swings (53/25 lb)